1. Mostly all jokes aside, Manuel and I go a pretty long way back… first time I met him in real life was at CPL Winter Copenhagen, and since then we have met many times after. 大部分人会在旁边笑话,Manuel(即GRUBBY)和我在过去走了一大段美好路…在现实生活中第一次遇到他是在哥本哈根冬季CPL上,从此以后我们多次见面。
2. Now, when he met him, the man, who then seemed already extremely weary, had requested him to take him on his crupper; to which the fishmonger had made no reply except by redoubling his gait. 那外来人在遇见他时曾请求让他坐在马臀上,他当时已显得非常困顿了,那鱼贩子却一面支吾,一面加鞭走了。
3. Without rising from his seat, the monk met the first man's lunging slash, grabbing his wrist and tossing him carelessly over his shoulder, throwing him into a table with a loud crash. 那武僧就那么坐着,第一个挥刀朝他冲去的人被他抓住手腕然后毫不费劲的被扔了出去,那个倒霉鬼落下来压碎了一张桌子,发出很大的响声。
4. In 1980, the establishment of the first year of the introduction of Hong Kong's first four-colour offset printing press Heidelberg; 1980年成立的第一年引进了香港第一台海德堡四色胶印机;
5. Through Him she satisfied her unassuaged maternal love, cooking for Him, feeding Him, bathing Him, and putting Him to bed. 她通过他而满足自己未能满足的母爱,包括为他煮食,喂养他,为他洗澡,把他放上床。
She protected him from his enemies and saved him from the traps they set for him 在他搏斗时,使他获胜,叫他明瞭虔敬的能力,高于一切。;
above all first first of all firstly for one thing in the first instance in the first place 首先;
above all first first of all firstly for one thing in the first instance in the first place 首先;
Japan between 1975 and 1980 helping to establish Tannoy in the Far East as a manufacturer of very high 日本在1975年至1980年帮助建立远东天朗作为一个非常高的制造商;
Many improvements had been worked on in the period from 1980- to 1985 and the time had come to 许多改进工作,对已在1980年期间-至1985年的时间已经到来;