1. Althea, also known as morning glory, also known as Mugunghwa. Since ancient times, is well-known hedge plant, is also a common garden tree. Mugunghwa origin. 木槿花,亦称喇叭花,又称无穷花。自古即为著名的绿篱植物,也是常见的庭院树。木槿花原产我国,印度、叙利亚、韩国、日本也有分布。
2. Beibei is also Jinyun Mountain, where there is a well-known The school called South-West University, Southwest University campus landscape is also known, by the way can go. 缙云山也在北碚,这里还有一个著名的学校叫西南大学,西南大学的校园园林也是非常出名的,顺便可以逛逛。
3. Lake also live in a naked carp, also known as non-huang fish scales, the local people call it the king of the lake is well-known aquatic products. 湖水中还生活着一种裸鲤,又叫无鳞湟鱼,当地人称之为湖中之王,是著名的水产品。
4. This talent—also known as eidetic imagery—is also known to decline with age, as it seems to do in chimps. 这种天赋--又称作照相式记忆--会随着年龄而衰退,黑猩猩也是如此。
5. Premature fusion of both the coronal and sagittal sutures causes an abnormally high conical skull shape, known as oxycephaly (also known as turricephaly or high-head). 冠状缝或矢状缝早闭,导致头颅呈异常的高圆锥形,称为尖头畸形(亦称为尖头或高头)。
also known as 也就是;
also known as a buster 也被称为是一个杀手;
Also known as developmental coordination disorder 也被称为是发展性运动协调疾患;