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    1. The main function units include micro-program control unit, arithmetic logic unit, serial interface unit, parallel interface unit, interrupt control unit, timer/counter unit and so on.
    2. It consists of air compressor unit, clean and dry air unit, supersonic airflow grinding unit, powder grading unit, cyclone collecting unit and exhaust fan unit etc.
    3. It is part of the success of the theory that the same value—approximately one angstrom per second per second—works for all these diverse appearances.
    4. A method to direct-detect immunoreactions on surface of optical fiber by interference principle is introduced, whose thickness testing precision of bio-layer is up to angstrom grade.
    提出了利用光学干涉原理在光纤传感器端面上直接测量生物免疫反应的方法 ,能够测试到纳米级厚度生物膜层的亚纳米级厚度增加量。
    5. Even Harry Angstrom, the boorish American everyman in the Rabbit novels written by the recently departed John Updike, says: "The only country over there I've ever wanted to go to is Tibet."


    angstrom unit
    埃单位; 埃(长度单位); 释义:埃斯特雷姆单位; 埃<光波波长单位;
    angstrom unit
    埃单位; 埃(长度单位); 释义:埃斯特雷姆单位; 埃<光波波长单位;
    埃 一亿分之一厘米, 用作测量波长的单位; 埃[波长单位; 埃长度计量单位; 埃<长度单位;
    international Angstrom
    国际埃; 际埃; 释义:国际通用埃;
    Angstrom pyrgeometer


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