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    1. The article concludes with a pair of robbery some envisaged legislative amendments to the robbery of the legislative and judicial practice perfect benefit.
    2. second, only when the degree of the forcible means employed by the larcenists or forcible takers is in consistence with that of robbery can they be punished with offense of robbery.
    3. The criminal type is studying range, and we divide robbery crime into two parts and 20 concrete types based on the legislation and the internal logical relation of robbery act.
    4. This passage analyzes the relationships with the lethal weapon, robbery and the crime of robbery, bring up point of view.
    5. He narrated to us the story of the two men's armed robbery.


    armed robbery
    持械抢劫; 持械抢劫 持械抢劫; 武装抢劫;
    armed robbery
    持械抢劫; 持械抢劫 持械抢劫; 武装抢劫;
    armed robbery
    持械抢劫; 持械抢劫 持械抢劫; 武装抢劫;
    bullying-type robbery
    以欺压手段抢劫 公安; 以欺压手段抢劫;
    daylight robbery
    价钱贵到离谱; 光天化日抢银行; 价钱; 明抢,索价过高;


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