1. Cow split leather work gloves. PALM: full palm, patch palm, reinforced palm. BACK: cotton drill back, red and black stripe cotton back, denim back. CUFF : pasty cuff, rubberized cuff.

2. Cow split leather work gloves. PALM: full palm, patch palm, reinforced palm. BACK: cotton drill back, red and black stripe cotton back, denim back. CUFF : pasty cuff, rubberized cuff.

3. Roger that, level off here. OK, Bogeys jinked back into me for the fourth time, I'm coming back starboard, come back port now. Port, 27 miles, bogey 's at7, 000 feet.

4. 'Newcastle had some injuries in the last game and they have some players back. Duffer's back, Scotty Parker's back and it is going to be nice to see them again.

5. My brother-in-law is in the back of gelada, my sister is in the back of tiger, and I in the back of monkey. What a cute family.
