1. products used in television background, background sofa, bedside background and restaurant background, the top wall. 产品应用在电视背景、沙发背景、床头背景及餐厅背景、顶端墙面。
2. The basic concept of class D amplifier is to convert the input analog signal into a pulse width modulated signal (PWM signal), then the PWM signal is demodulated to reconstruct the analog signal. 类功率放大器的基本概念就是将欲放大的信号转化为脉宽调制信号,用来驱动开关逆变器。
3. Electromyographic signal is a kind of biological signal in the background full of noise, so it is somewhat difficult to detect and extract the electromyographic signal. 肌电信号的特点是强噪声背景下的生物信号,对肌电信号的检测和提取具有一定的难度。
4. The complex apparent conductivity of induction log consists of R-signal (resistive signal) and X-signal (reactive signal), which are defined in uniform medium. 感应测井的实部视电导率(也叫R信号)与虚部视电导率(也叫X信号)构成复视电导率。
5. Time clock signal source directly fetches from clock signal of PCI bus in the computer system or signal generator, which can generates high frequency time clock signal. 该时钟信号源直接取自于该电脑系统中PCI总线的时钟信号或是一可产生高频时钟信号的时钟信号产生器,用以供应该计数电路所需的输入时钟信号。
Specify picture background color or use an automatic background color - 指定图片的背景颜色,或使用自动背景颜色;
acoustic frequency signal generator audio frequency signal generator audio signal generator 声频信号发生器;
acoustic frequency signal generator audio frequency signal generator audio signal generator 声频信号发生器;
acoustic frequency signal generator audio frequency signal generator audio signal generator 声频信号发生器;
acoustic frequency signal generator audio frequency signal generator audio signal generator 声频信号发生器;