1. These monuments witnessed a fierce battle, a battle between new force and old force, a battle between brightness and darkness, a battle of life-and-death. 记得一场斗争,一场真正的斗争:一场新和旧的斗争;一场光明同黑暗的斗争;一场关乎生与死的斗争。
2. Magenta: Purplish color; complementary to green or the minus-green subtractive primary used in the three-color process. Magenta light results when red and blue light overlap. 品红:略带紫的颜色;是绿色的补色或者三原色减色法处理中减去绿色。当红色和蓝色重叠时所产生品红色。
3. Magenta contact screen: A type of contact screen in magenta colour. It is used for making half-tone from black-and- white original only. 洋红接触网片:摄制半色调图片用的洋红色接触网片,它只适合黑白原稿用。
4. Magenta: Purplish color; complementary to green or the minus-green subtractive primary used in the three-color process. Magenta light results when red and blue light overlap. 品红:略带紫的颜色;是绿色的补色或者三原色减色法处理中减去绿色。当红色和蓝色重叠时所产生品红色。
5. During the battle of Antietam in 1862, he ordered his troops to cross the Potomac River in order to engage the Confederate forces in battle. 一八六二年安蒂特姆之役,他命令部队渡过波多马克河和南军交战。