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    1. Man seeks before gains, toils before success, accumulates before increases, and exhausts his efforts before he becomes a sage. Thus, a sage grows out of accumulation.
    2. LONG, LONG AGO Winds through the olive trees Softly did blow, Round little Bethlehem Long, long ago.
    3. LONG, LONG AGO Winds through the olive trees Softly did blow, Round little Bethlehem Long, long ago.
    4. In a duodenal ulcer, a long post parricidal interval of two to three hours offend exists before pain is apparent and it may then occur immediately before next meal.
    5. Before before long, I bought a pair of leather shoes in a bazaar, can be less than half moon, sole with respect to degum.


    The long-long way before you
    And they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders
    除了从地上买来的那十四万四千人以外,没有人能学这歌。; 他们在宝座前,并在四活物和众长老前唱新歌;
    before long
    不久以后; 很快; 不久; 不久,很快;
    by and by --- before long
    long before
    在……以前很久; 很久以前; 早在…之前; 早在;
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