1. The female seahorse inserts her eggs into the belly of the male seahorse, and he then inseminates the eggs inside his belly. 雌性的海马将卵子输入雄海马的腹部,雄海马在腹部使卵子受精。
2. Kitchen, provide most " domestic flavour " place, be belly " parents of back and belly " . The member of active amid -- ambry, also should have naturally " master home " make a group. 厨房,最具“家味”的地方,是肚皮的“衣食父母”。活跃在其中的成员——橱柜,自然也应该有一份“主人家”的作派。
3. Belly Dance Bra It is commonly assumed that a belly dancing bra size is the same as normal bra size. 肚皮舞文胸,此类文胸不属于日常款式,但是像日常款式一样有按不同尺码设计。
4. "meow wu! "This chapter of mousie has heard clearly, is in the belly is calling. Should die, how did the cat sneak in my belly. “喵呜!”这回小老鼠听清了,是自己肚子里在叫。该死的,怎么猫钻进了我的肚子。
5. With the newest kind of surgery, doctors make a small cut in the patient's belly band (belly button). A camera is placed through the hole to help guide the surgical instrument. 用最新种类的手术,医生们在患者的肚脐处开一个很小的口。摄像机就从这个小洞里进入来引导手术器械。
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 删去;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 删去;
carry out carry through follow out saw out seeing out 贯彻;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 删去;
crush out die extinguish go out put out quench slake went out wink 熄灭;