1. They set on cartoon before and then make cartoon, let the success of cartoon market larger and larger, and make the danger of it lower and lower. 这种以漫画为先导,为后续动画制作试水市场,增大了动画片市场成功的概率,极大地降低了动画片的投资风险。
2. Our Main products are cold rolled steel coil/ sheet/ strip, hot rolled steel coil/ sheet/ strip, galvanized steel coil/ sheet/ strip, prepainted steel coil/ sheet/ strip, etc. 本公司主营宝钢彩涂,镀锌,镀铝锌,热轧,冷轧。科弘彩涂,镀锌,为上海地区有影响力的
3. Please click the following link "Cartoon Chaozhou Opera" to enjoy the Cartoon Chaozhou Opera (prevue), there are English caption for you. 请点击以下连接,欣赏卡通潮剧,并附有英文翻译,请欣赏。
4. I used to enjoy cartoon in my childhood. I am not very clear when I began to be fed up with cartoon that is remote and alienable from my real life. 童年的时候曾经喜欢卡通片,我也记不清楚什么时候开始特别反感卡通片了,觉得卡通离现实生活特别遥远和有隔阂感。
5. A young girl paints the cartoon still which, when passed through the revolving drum, appears as a cartoon to viewers looking through the slits. 透过转动中的圆筒细缝(上),小女孩画的分解图案(下),就成了有连续动作的卡通,这是视觉暂留的原理。