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    1. Consumptive mutation expression is the mutation that consumes a concept, consume the mutation of the object, consume the mutation of means.
    消费变异表现为消费理念的变异,消费对象的变异,消费方 式的变异。
    2. This paper reviewed the relationship between chromosomal aberrations at the different stages of mitotic cycle and the mechanism of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei induced by radiation.
    3. Arsenic can damage DNA , inhibit restoring of DNA, cause chromosomal mutation, and induce cell apoptosis and methylation.
    4. It was considered that the cell wall deficiency was an important resistant mechanism of M. tuberculosis besides the chromosomal gene mutation.
    5. With the development of molecular pathology, studies on AD have profounded molecular level, heredity gene mutation, and chromosomal aberration.


    chromosomal mutation
    染色体突变; 染色体实变; 染色体甲基氨基酮; 释义:染色体(性)突变;
    chromosomal aberrations
    染色体畸变; 染色体异常;
    Chromosomal Abnormalities
    chromosomal abnormality
    染色体异常; 释义:染色体异常; 染色体畸形; 不正常的染色体 医疗衞生;
    chromosomal abnormality
    染色体异常; 释义:染色体异常; 染色体畸形; 不正常的染色体 医疗衞生;


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