1. Limonin and Naringin are the main bitters in citrus juice, so the citrus juice may become bitter. And they can decrease the quality of citrus juice. 柠檬苦素和抽皮苷等物质是柑橘类果汁中主要的苦味物质,果汁中因含有这类物质而具有苦味,因而会明显降低柑橘类果汁的口感和品质。
2. Using citrus as material, through bio enzyme treatment with citrus juice and debitter, and pure yeast fermentation, we produced a new type citrus wine. 采用柑桔为原料,生物酶法处理果汁、脱苦,纯种酵母生产新型柑桔果酒。
3. Residues of dicofol in soils, citrus fruits, Ageratum conyzoides of citrus orchards in 13 locations, Fujian province, were analyzed. 测定了福建省南平、福州、宁德等地13个柑桔园土壤、柑桔果实及覆盖植物胜红蓟三氯杀螨醇的含量。
4. Citrus whitefly has been a major pest in citrus production. 柑桔白粉虱已成为危害柑桔生产的主要害虫。
5. There are citrus Huanglongbing, Tristeza, Exocortis and Tatter-leaf of the graft-transmissible diseases occurred in the citrus-producing areas in Fujian. 已知在福建省柑桔产区发生的由嫁接传染的病害有黄龙病、衰退病、裂皮病和碎叶病。