1. In the face of the social environment, we have every confidence in the expression gesture of self-confidence, self-confidence of the speech can be a real psychological training in our self-confidence. 面对社会环境,我们每一个自信的表情、自信的手势、自信的言语都能真正在心理中培养起我们的自信。
2. Friends say that he lost confidence, as can happen quickly to a man caught up in a confidence game. 朋友们说,他很快就失去了信心,而在一个靠信心和信任支撑的环境中这是常见的。
3. Dance of sports game, music kind card of game, chess kind the market that wait has game rate remain to promote further, whether the game type with new development also is worth to discuss. 体育游戏、音乐舞蹈类游戏、棋牌类游戏等的市场占有率有待进一步提升,能否开发新的游戏类型也值得探讨。
4. "Confidence is always a difficult thing for me. I always feel a little bit difficult to feel complete confidence myself. " ——Paul Potts. “信心对我来说总是一件困难的事情,要让自己充满信心总觉得有点困难。”——保罗。
5. JAFF: My advantage is my confidence, as long as I can have confidence in the victory. 我的优势就是我的信心,只要有信心我就能胜利。
confidence game 欺骗;
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