1. From light buoy NO. 1 to NO. 22. Main Channel Part A is from light buoy NO. 1 to NO. 9; 从1号灯浮标到22号灯浮标。其中:主航道甲段从1号灯浮标到9号灯浮标;
2. From light buoy NO. 1 to NO. 22. Main Channel Part A is from light buoy NO. 1 to NO. 9; 从1号灯浮标到22号灯浮标。其中:主航道甲段从1号灯浮标到9号灯浮标;
3. Mooring Buoy A76 - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in January. 碇泊泡A76-此灯浮标于1月期间遭损毁,航标灯熄灭。
4. Mooring Buoy A46 - The lighted buoy was reported damaged and unlit in December. 碇泊泡A46-此灯浮标于12月期间遭损毁,航标灯熄灭。
5. Even though it is tethered, and sits on a conical steel buoy, the motion of the sea causes the tower to sway slowly from side to side. 尽管风轮机有绳索固定,且安放于钢制锥形浮标之上,海洋运动导致风轮机的塔身慢慢地左摇右摆。