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    1. Like the double-entry bookkeeping replaces the single-entry bookkeeping, the three-piece bookkeeping will replace the double-entry bookkeeping at last.
    2. The information asymmetry of credit market causes credit admeasure appearance, form credit gap then.
    信贷 市场 的 信息 不对 称 导致 信贷 配 给现 象,进而 形 成信 贷缺 口 。
    3. Firstly, the paper gives a certain definition of credit. By means of summering the development of credit and relative concepts, the concept of personal credit is defined.
    4. personal credit system to play a role in two secondary point that perfect personal credit investigation mechanisms and norms of personal credit rating mechanisms.
    5. Entry requirements will depend on the field that interests you but these programs will generally not specify any particular prerequisite subjects other than a degree for entry.


    entry on the credit side
    货方记帐; 记入货方;
    A research in the perfection of the credit system of commercial bank in social credit system construction
    下一篇论文: 论社会信用体系建设中商业银行信用体系的完善;
    Credit words High credit quality
    Credit risk and credit rating in enterprise bond market
    Article 3- 1 Credit cooperatives and insurance cooperatives shall be applied to the Credit Cooperatives Act and the Insurance Act
    第3-1条 信用合作社、保险合作社,分别依信用合作社法、保险法之规定;
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