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    1. There are four main aspects of justices that are closely related to education, namely legal justice, procedural justice, distributive justice, and corrective justice. 4.
    2. There are Sea Transportation Department, Air-express Department, Trade One Department, Trade Two Department, IT Department serving you.
    3. Previous study of educational justice neglected the distinctive connotation of education by equalizing educational justice with social justice.
    4. The difference between procedural justice and consequential justice constitutes a very important conceptual distinction in contemporary theories of justice.
    5. Aristotle regards justice as the basic standard of social and political behavior, and regards the mean as the standard of justice, and uses common benefit thought to protect justice.


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    Be the chief justice of international court of justice
    Justice delayer is justice denied
    The impact of procedural justice and interactional justice on employees behaviours
    上一篇论文: 论程序公正、互动公正对员工行为的影响;
    Justice Department
    司法部; 司法省; 美国联邦司法部; 司法部门;
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