1. Feet/hands moisturizer: Soak feet in a small tub of warm water with 1 cup of apple-cider vinegar. Remove feet and apply petroleum jelly. Cover feet with socks. 足部、手部润肤: 将一杯苹果醋倒入一小盆热水中,双脚浸入,等足部浸泡完毕后涂上凡士林冻胶,以短袜裹之。
3. After 20min massage feet with foot care massage cream, and then washout feet with cleaning foot lotion, finally nurse feet with foot guard essence. 沐足20分钟后用美足按摩膏进行足部按摩;之后用净足液清洗足部;最后用护足精华素护理足部。
4. BGZJ-I Feet cutter is designed for cutting pig's feet and lamb's feet, it is ideal to be used in meat cutting processing line. 割脚圈机用于猪蹄或羊蹄的锯割,特别适用于在分割生产线上使用;
5. Drag onto the page to add a scale symbol with automatic numbering. Drag a side handle to stretch and renumber. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加一个具有自动编号功能的比例符号。拖动侧边手柄可拉伸并重新编号。