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    1. A drugger wants to experience the sense happiness that caused of the drug in his body. Although he knows that has drug will deepen his drug addiction. Seemingly, we are addict of greed like drugger.
    2. An expert once presumed in a commentary on the criteria of net addiction that one surfing the net more than 6 hours a day should be strong indicatives of net addiction .
    3. Internet addiction is now considered a clinical disorder rather than a bad habit, a new Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) Diagnostic Manual approved over the weekend by psychologists has shown.
    4. To explore characteristics and relations of internet addiction disorder and achievement motive of middle school students can provide basis for preventing internet addiction disorder.
    5. "Using corrigent compatibility "is one method of TCM herbal compatibility. It is neglected always because its unimportant position in "king drug, ministerial drug, assistant drug, sacrifice drug".


    drug addiction
    药物成瘾性; 毒瘾; 药瘾; 药物成瘾;
    drug alcohol addiction
    Neonat withdrawal symptom from mat use of drug of addiction
    drug addiction
    药物成瘾性; 毒瘾; 药瘾; 药物成瘾;
    drug alcohol addiction


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