1. And that goes for every person, every planet, every mountain, every grain of sand, every song, every tear, AND EVERY FAGGOT. 每一个人,每一个星球,每一个山峰,土地上的每一个庄稼,每一首歌,每只熊,每一个同志!
2. Common bit ranges are 8-bit color (256 colors), 16-bit color (thousands of colors), and 24-bit color (millions of colors). 普通一点儿范围是8位的颜色(256种颜色),16位颜色(数千种颜色),以及24位颜色(数百万种颜色)。
3. Because one-cone bit has the advantages of the three-cone bit and the PDC bit and it makes for their disadvantages, so the one-cone bit is the important chose to drill the small well. 随着钻探新技术的发展,开发深井和超深井技术要求钻头尺寸小型化,由于单牙轮钻头具有三牙轮钻头和PDC钻头的优点,同时又弥补了二者的不足。
4. The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. 最低有效位称为低序位,最高有效位称为高序位。
5. The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. 最低有效位称为低序位,最高有效位称为高序位。
bit bore bit drill bit drilling steel 钻头;
bit bore bit drill bit drilling steel 钻头;
every nook and every cranny 所有缝隙;
Every bond you break Every step you take 妳挣脱的每一个束缚妳踏出的每一步;
send inspectors to every dairy product factory to keep a close watch over every aspect of the production process 对所有乳制品生产企业派员监管,对各生产环节进行严格监督检查;