2. Rule of Repair:When you must fail, fail nosily and as soon as possible. 修复准则:如果你必须出错,尽可能响亮和快速的出错。
3. Rule of Repair:When you must fail, fail nosily and as soon as possible. 修复准则:如果注定失败,要尽早,要大声。
4. Many small service firms fail to analyze their services' total cost, and therefore fail to price them profitably. 许多小型劳务公司不分析它们的劳务总成本,因此也就不能定出有利可图的价格。
5. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Think about it. 如果你的计画失败,你就是计画去失败了,仔细想想。