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    1. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone (unless it contributes to your success), and get your mind and body to work!
    2. You can really get your point across and gain support and cooperation but get it done fast as it goes to hell in a hand basket.
    3. Two lifts link up the footbridge across Oi Yin Street and the future footbridge across Aldrich Bay Road to the street level.
    4. Pincker has noted that there are emotional and cultural universals that stretch across ethnicities, across national borders, with differences only in the minutia .
    5. Moving across the first two lanes, the car shot across the two southbound lanes without receiving a scratch.


    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
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