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    1. Give you point sunlight you brilliant, give you smiling face you turn on electricity and give you piece quilted jacket you perspire and give you basket animal feed you lay egg.
    2. Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.
    3. Hos 9:14 Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.
    4. You gotta give if you got, you gotta give if you got to those who have not, you gotta give to get.
    5. Baidu, give us a chance, can blossom in the autumn harvest to fruit, Give a chance in life, can fly in the sky leave print, Give users a chance of imagination, can be in life plays a moving melody.


    acknowledge the corn admit defeat give the battle give up
    try to give up their absolute power in family to give a better image to their children
    尽量放弃他们(父母)在家中的绝对权利,在孩子面前树立良好的形象。; 尽量放弃他们(父母)在家中的绝对权利,在孩子面前树立良好的形象。; 尽量放弃 他们(父母)在家中的绝对权利,在孩子面前树立良好的形象。; 尽量放弃他们(父母)在家中的绝对权利,在孩子 面前树立良好的形象。;
    give rise to give way to
    dispense distribute give away give out hand out hand round serve round
    clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way
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