1. From blackish green, grind arenaceous green, halcyon green, mint is green, surfy green to transparent green, move green nature into Wei Yu at long last.

2. Green food has embodied the idea of green marketing, green food is the carrier of green marketing, green marketing is the power of developing green food.

3. Toys, Stationery, Hardware, Handtools, Household Goods, China Glassware, Fancy Goods, Sporting Goods, Electrical Goods and Hair Accessories.

4. This lines working process is: roller coater conveys the goods, vacuum hoister transfer the goods from conveyer line to package machine, when the goods are packed, the hoister take goods off the line.

5. This lines working process is: roller coater conveys the goods, vacuum hoister transfer the goods from conveyer line to package machine, when the goods are packed, the hoister take goods off the line.
