1. Enjoy our Seafood Night! Our Buffet features sea urchins , baby lobsters, tuna &salmon sashimi, poached prawns, crab roe hard roll and a carving station with cod fish in puff pastry … 每周五我们为您精心准备了海鲜大餐:海胆、小青龙、三文鱼、吞拿鱼刺身、大虾、蟹仔手卷、泡菜鳕鱼…
2. The hard wearing layer can be designed into an embedding hard wearing copper sheath, a welding hard wearing copper layer and other hard wearing or antifriction materials. 耐磨层可以为镶嵌的耐磨铜套或者焊接的耐磨铜层,也可以是其它材质的耐磨或者减磨材料。
3. Roe Fish eggs, see caviar . 罗伊 鱼卵,见鱼子酱。
4. We will serve smoked cods roe at the dinner. 宴会上我们将上一道熏鳕鱼子。
5. Divide the prawn paste into equal portions. Fill each with 1 tsp crab roe, shape into croquettes. 把虾胶分成等份,每份虾胶内放入1茶匙蟹子,