1. When you can say to yourself "There is no surgical patient i cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon "-then, and not until then, you are indeed a surgeon. 当你对自己说“我会认真的对待每一个看外科的病人,治疗的会和其他外科医生一样好,甚至超过他们”-不用等到那个时候,你就可以成为一个外科医生。
2. I exscind my skin , in order to canvass my heart, a vivid heart, a bloody heart, an entire heart. 我割开肌肤,为了细察我的心,一颗鲜活的心,一颗血淋淋的心,一颗完整的心。
3. By comparing the nuclear heart scan of your heart at rest to your heart at "stress, " your doctor can determine if your heart is functioning normally or not. 通过对平静状态和负荷状态心脏扫描的结果,医生就能够判定被测者心脏工作是否正常。
4. By comparing the nuclear heart scan of your heart at rest to your heart at "stress, " your doctor can determine if your heart is functioning normally or not. 通过比对平静状态和负荷状态心脏扫描的结果,医生就能够判定被测者心脏的机能是否正常。
5. The woman patient remained fully conscious, and while the surgeon cupped her heart in his hand, she drank orange juice through a straw and smiled at observers. 这位女病人保持着清醒的意识,并且当外科医生用手捧她的心脏时,她通过麦杆吸着桔子汁还一边对观察者微笑。