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    1. Comparing with old type valve high frequency power and beginning electrical high frequency power, updated high frequency power owns high effective, high adaptation, and high reliabilities.
    2. MVS electromagnetic high frequency vibrating screen is a new high capacity machine and has the advantages of electromagnetic vibration, high frequency, high capacity and high screening efficiency.
    3. This is a next generation high sensitivity digital CCD camera that achieves high gain, a high S/N ratio, high spatial resolution and a high frame rate.
    4. MVS electromagnetic high frequency vibrating screen is a new high capacity machine and has the advantages of electromagnetic vibration, high frequency, high capacity and high screening efficiency.
    5. MVS electromagnetic high frequency vibrating screen is a new high capacity machine and has the advantages of electromagnetic vibration, high frequency, high capacity and high screening efficiency.
    MVS电磁振动高频振网筛是一种新型高效的筛分设备 ,具有电磁振动、高频率、设备处理能力大、筛分效率高等优点。


    duo mill twin rolling mill two-high cogging mill two-high mill two-high rolling mill
    four high driven mill four high mill four-high rolling mill quarto mill
    four high driven mill four high mill four-high rolling mill quarto mill
    high tension electrical porcelain insulator high tension porcelain insulator high voltage porcelai
    high tension electrical porcelain insulator high tension porcelain insulator high voltage porcelai
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