1. Fortune or misfortune, I feel this world is full of histrionic. 无论幸运或不幸时,我都觉得这世界充满了戏剧性。
2. He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone. 他清晰地说,虽然是轻声的,却依旧是他平时那种抑扬有致,微微带些戏剧性的声调。
3. However, the final realization of histrionic discourse construction should rely on the switches between images and language signs. 而戏剧性的话语建构的最终实现,必须依靠意象形象转换和语言符号转换才能完成。
4. Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。
5. Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。