1. Retirement assets such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , even they may indirectly count in a borrower's favor as evidence of astuteness . 个人退休金帐户之类的退休资产虽然不能用来做贷款担保,可即便如此,却会证明你很精明,并因此而博得贷方的好感。
2. Welcome. We offer a basic deposit account, a general deposit account, a temporary deposit account and a special deposit account in our bank. Which would you like? 欢迎。我行提供基本存款账户,一般存款账户,临时存款账户和专用存款账户。您想开哪一个账户?
3. Occupational pension is the second pilar of the three pillars of the retirement pension system and an indispensable addition to the basic retirement pension. 企业年金是养老保障体系“三大支柱”中的第二支柱,是对基本养老保险必要的补充。
4. Settlement pay, severance pay, retirement pay and retirement living allowances received by public servants and workers under state uniform provisions; 按照国家统一规定发给干部、职工的安家费、退职费、退休工资、离休工资、离休生活补助费;
5. Occupational pension is the second pilar of the three pillars of the retirement pension system and an indispensable addition to the basic retirement pension. 企业年金是养老保障体系“三大支柱”中的第二支柱,是对基本养老保险必要的补充。
pension retirement pay retirement pension 退休金;
account book an account book book book of account 帐簿;
account book an account book book book of account 帐簿;
account book an account book book book of account 帐簿;
account book an account book book book of account 帐簿;