5. Ltd. , Bearing Plant City, the city of boiler plant, the city of Thermal Power Plant, the printing plant in the north, and other large and medium-sized enterprises. 辖区内有郊区电力局、飞机工业有限公司、市轴承厂、市锅炉厂、市热电二厂、北方印刷厂等大中型企事业单位。
Research of industrial cluster in northeast - based on experience of Yangtze Deltas industrial cluster 下一篇论文: 东北产业集群研究 - 基于长三角产业机群的经验;
上一篇论文: 东北产业集群研究 - 基于长三角产业机群的经验;
Industrial Revolution the industrial revolution 工业革命;
industrial estate industrial park 工业区;
Construction of Industrial Cluster and Industrial Park 产业集群与工业园区建设-欠发达地区加快工业化进程路径研究;
semi-industrial gas turbine plant 半工业燃气轮机装置(指轻型燃气轮机);