1. Hip, hip, hurray. Orville Mason, you deserve the thanks of this country! …three cheers for Orville Mason! 奥维你·梅逊,你应该得到全国人民的感谢!……为奥维尔·梅逊喝彩三声吧!
2. Thus one may speak of the close affinity of James and Samuel, or of the affinity between James and Samuel, or of James 因此可以说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系,或者说詹姆士和塞缪尔之间的亲密关系,或者也可说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系。
3. This Christlike attitude lines up with the absence of spiritual competition James called for in his epistle (James 3:14-17). 使徒雅各在他的书信中也说,要效法基督,不要在属灵的事上争竞(雅各书3章14-17节)。
4. Thomson, James. The Castle of Indolence (1748). Edited by James Sambrook. Oxford: Clarendon, 1986. 詹姆士·托马森,《懒惰城堡》(1748)。詹姆士·萨姆布鲁克编辑。牛津:克莱兰顿出版社,1986版。
5. Thomson, James. The Castle of Indolence (1748). Edited by James Sambrook. Oxford: Clarendon, 1986. 詹姆士