1. DENVER (AP) -- Every chance he gets, Los Angeles Lakers guard Coby Karl razzes his dad, Denver Nuggets coach George Karl, suggesting he'll win an NBA title before his father ever does. 只要一有机会,湖人的后卫考比-卡尔不忘明里暗里提示他的掘金总教练父亲乔治-卡尔,他将比他父亲早得到NBA总冠军。
2. Siemens is the only area in North China partners, production SIVACON low-voltage switchgear, product tagging SIEMENS label. 为西门子华北区的唯一合作伙伴,生产SIVACON低压开关柜,产品标注SIEMENS的标签。
3. This paper introduces gear wheel drill speed system which composed of Siemens PLC and Siemens inverter. 介绍了由西门子PLC和变频器组成的牙轮钻机的调速系统。
4. SIEMENS traffic measurement has some particularity, SIEMENS smart network subscriber traffic statistical method is emphasized for the reference of traffic statistics analyzes. 西门子话务测量存在一定的特殊性,着重阐述西门子智能网用户的话务统计方法,为话务统计分析人员提供参考。
5. SEDS, a former subsidiary of global-leading medium voltage Air Cooled drives provider Robicon Corporate, joined Siemens in 2005 as Siemens AG acquired Robicon Corp globally. SEDS的前身是中压空气冷却传动领域全球领先的供应商Robicon公司旗下的子公司。2005年,西门子在全球收购Robicon公司,并将其合并入西门子公司。