1. Attack skill: The main attack was turning kick in competition. The auxiliary attacks were back kick and front kick. 攻击技术:比赛攻击以旋踢为主,后踢与前踢攻击为辅。
2. I was upstairs in my home, a pot of Jasmine, in its open season every morning I have to go upstairs to see if it had not opened . 以前我在我家楼上种了一盆茉莉花,在它开放的季节每天早晨我都要上楼去看看它开了没有,开了几朵,凋谢了几朵。
3. Upstairs downstairs leakage causing flooding, upstairs tenants compensation 600, 000 households in the loss! 楼上漏水造成楼下被淹,楼上住户得赔偿被淹住户的损失!
4. Then Susan and I go upstairs to make the beds, dust upstairs and downstairs, and do the carpets with my vacuum cleaner. 然后我和苏珊一起上楼去铺床,掸扫楼上和楼下的灰尘,用真空吸尘器清除地毯上的灰尘。
5. They decided to kick him upstairs and appoint a younger man to take his place. 他们决定对他明升暗降,让一位比他年轻的人来接替他目前的职位。