1. But the signs of job growth do not look so good for liberal arts graduates. Not only that, Starting pay for graduate with liberal art degree is up just only 1%. 但是对于文艺类自由艺术专业毕业生的工作增长机会的增长迹象看起来不太好,并且起薪只提高了1%。
2. Its products include bamboo arts and crafts, iron wire arts and crafts, stainless steel products, plastic products, and cloth arts and crafts. 旗下产品包括竹木工艺、铁线工艺、不锈钢制品、塑料制品、布艺等五个系列,专门生产系列化家庭用品。
3. NSS Visual Arts Curriculum builds on the "Arts Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 3)" 2002 and "Visual Arts Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 3)" 2003 新高中视觉艺术科课程建基于2002年出版的《艺术教育学习领域课程指引(小一至中三)》及2003年出版的《艺术教育学习领域视觉艺术科课程指引(小一至中三)》。
4. H. Green, who believed the state had an enabling role to play in a liberal society, or the ideas of Jo Grimond, a Balliol contemporary who led the British Liberal Party 50 years ago. 对认为国家扮演着促使社会更加自由的角色的英国哲学家格林,以及五十年前领导英国自由党的吉姆徳(此人亦毕业于牛津大学贝利奥尔学院)的观点,他都称赞不已。
5. But the signs of job growth do not look so good for liberal arts graduates. 但是向文科毕业生开放的职位的增长迹象看起来不那么好。
arts liberal art liberal arts 文科;
liberal arts 文科;
liberal arts and humanities 人文科学;
Faculty of Liberal Arts 文学艺术学院;
Liberal Arts and Science 人文艺术与科学;