1. Drunken Brawler can crit and proc a ground unit, but not an air unit. 醉拳可以躲避地面单位的攻击或者对其产生致命一击,却不能作用于空军。
2. Axe Specialization – Renamed "Poleaxe Specialization": Now increases crit chance with Axes and Polearms by 1/2/3/4/5%. 斧类武器专精-改为“长柄武器及斧专精”:增加斧类武器和长柄武器的致命一击几率1/2/3/4/5%。
3. Con - The HEP thread has crit as the lowest effective healing stat available. 对于HEP方式暴击是有效治疗收益最低的。
4. Imagine you could prune every less-useful stat off your gear. Imagine you could trade in armor, Stamina and everything else for just spell power and crit. 想象一下如果你可以把所有装备上的属性都变成法伤和爆,难道你不觉得你们会大大的超过其他治疗么?
5. A glancing blow may not crit and has a damage reduction proportional to the weapon skill to defense difference. 偏斜的攻击无法爆击,并且视你的武器技能和对手的防御技能降低伤害。