1. There are pirate sites, including a pirate name generator, an instructional video on how to talk like a pirate and a live piracy Google map. 海盗网站盛行,包括一个能起海盗名字的机器、教人模仿海盗说话的视频和海盗活动的实时地图。
2. In compiling teaching materials of literary theory, the literary concept of substituting literary existence for literary essentialism is worth advocating. 以文学存在方式代替文学本质作为文学理论教材编写中的基本文学观念值得提倡。
3. Plekhanov had put forward the essence of literary class nature and social utility nature, applying the principle of literary class nature to literary criticism. 普列汉诺夫文艺思想的一个重要支点是强调文艺的阶级性与社会功利性的本质,将文艺的阶级性原则运用于文艺批评。
4. The basic principle is "crossing", and the four parts are respectively the study of literary influence, the study of literary variation, parallel study, and general literary study. 比较文学的四大研究领域:文学影响研究、文学变异研究、平行研究和总体文学研究。
5. In the literary movement system, the trend of literary thought plays the roles of communicating, organizing, assimilating or intensifying to the individual in literary movement at concept level. 在文学活动系统中,文学思潮在观念层面上对参与文学活动的个体产生沟通、组织、同化或激化的作用,并促进群体性文学实践的形成、扩大与演变。