1. Functional Engineers who need to lead or participate the root cause analysis: safety engineer, process system engineer, vessel engineer, electric engineer, operational personnel, etc. 需要领导或参加事故根本原因分析的各专业工程师,如:安全工程师、工艺系统工程师、容器工程师、电气工程师、操作人员等;
2. One day, a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, chemical engineer, and computer engineer were driving down the street in the same car when it broke down. 一天,一个机械工程师,一个电子工程师,化学工程师,计算机工程师乘坐同一辆车沿着路行驶,车坏了。
3. Functional Engineers who need to lead or participate the root cause analysis: safety engineer, process system engineer, vessel engineer, electric engineer, operational personnel, etc. 需要领导或参加事故根本原因分析的各专业工程师,如:安全工程师、工艺系统工程师、容器工程师、电气工程师、操作人员等;
4. Focusing on SS4 modified electric locomotive, the system designed can inspect running state of locomotive and diagnose faults with expert level in electric locomotive and on ground respectively. 以SS4改进型机车为研究对象,设计系统可以在机车和地面分别进行机车状态监测和专家级故障诊断。
5. Work with platform engineer, test engineer and NPD manufacturing engineer to create DPU report according to quality plan in NPD DB. 和产品(平台)工程师,测试工程师,新产品导入工程师一起根据质量计划创建DPU报告。
Glossary of term for railway locomotive Names of component parts for diesel locomotive auxiliary device 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车辅助装置零部件名词;
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive Names of component parts for diesel locomotive body and bogie 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车车体和转向架零部件名词;
electric locomotive for mine mining electric locomotive 矿用电机车;
electric locomotive for mine mining electric locomotive 矿用电机车;
electric locomotive for mine mining electric locomotive 矿用电机车;