1. Inclusive of personal make-up. Bridal make-up, evening make-up, Stage &Fashion show, photo studio make-up, make-up Artistry, Nail Art Professional… 包括个人化妆,新娘化妆,晚宴化妆,服装表演化妆,舞台化妆,指甲彩绘。
2. When the memories of a time when the only consolation that we have only to revisit over and over again, over and over again to release. 当回忆成为唯一慰藉的时候,我们只有一遍遍地重温,一遍遍地释放。
3. Built-in protecting circuit and abnormal warning against over-current, over-heat, over-voltage, over low voltage, can ensure security. 内置过流、过热、过压、欠压等报警及保护电路,使用安全可靠。
4. After eating the over food with do the over game, blow to put out the birthday on the cake candle to then make a wish over boy or girls of the birthday. 在吃完食物和做完游戏后,过生日的男孩或女孩吹灭蛋糕上的生日蜡烛然后许个愿。
5. Humans that are soulless are living machines that perpetuate the same patterns over and over and over again. 无灵魂的人类机械地生活,不停地重复一而再、再而三地重复同一个模式。
devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over 移交;
devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over 移交;
devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over 移交;
overflow extravasation flood overbrim run over slop over spill over spillage 溢出;