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    1. Methods Expounding the studies of molecular basis of mental retardation, such as non-specific mental retardation, and the studies of animal models of learning and memory.
    2. Teach mental retardation children disrobe and like teaching mental retardation children to have a meal with spoon, have to and retrorse two kinds of methods.
    3. Mental training, mental adjustment and mental therapy as ways to keep mental health were stressed.
    4. Disabled persons include persons with visual, aural, speech and physical disabilities, mental retardation, mental disorder, multiple disabilities, etc.
    5. Conclusion Rapists who raped the women with mental retardation related to mental subnormality, their intelligence construcion is also abnormal.


    mental retardation
    智力落后; 智力迟钝; 精神发育迟滞; 弱智;
    Mild mental retardation
    轻度精神发育迟滞; 轻度智能不足 轻度智能不足;
    severe mental retardation
    重度智能不足 重度智能不足; 重度精神发育迟滞;
    Moderate mental retardation
    borderline mental retardation
    临界弱智 临界智能不足; 临界智障;
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