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    1. "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense.
    2. "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense.
    “结果好就一切都好,”这是我们的常识一致公认的 名言 。
    3. "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense.
    4. The dictum that sovereign applications should fill the screen is also true of document windows within the application itself.
    5. Drucker's management dictum that what is measured . gets done. what is important must be measured. is a sacred rule that must be respected.


    obiter dictum
    附带意见; 附属意见; 法官在审判中之附带意见; 判决中的附带意见;
    obiter dictum
    附带意见; 附属意见; 法官在审判中之附带意见; 判决中的附带意见;
    obiter dicta
    Aristotle dictum
    亚里士多德格言; 亚里斯多德格言;
    dicta dictum


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