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    1. To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office.
    2. How galling then, for those down the pecking order, that the numbers of people at the top are rising so fast.
    3. By contrast, the World Cup has its own hierarchy, which is pleasingly divorced from the global pecking order.
    4. Indeed, a new European pecking order has emerged, with statist France on top, corporatist Germany in the middle and poor old liberal Britain floored.
    5. But he does not intend to slip down the Old Trafford pecking order over the next 18 months and wants to go out at the top.


    to order fromto give an order forto place an order withto put in an orderto pass an order
    pecking order
    啄序; 支配顺序; 啄击顺序; 融资顺序;
    pecking order Model
    序模型; 序融资模型;
    the pecking order
    权力阶级。; 社会阶级;
    Pecking Order Theory
    优序融资理论; 融资顺序理论; 融资优序理论; 理论;


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