1. On my tom tom, we did a bit on Flying Home, and when I used to make that big beat, I'd jump on the tom tom. 在《飞回家》一曲中,我常常是要跳到唐唐鼓上才能敲出那个强音。
2. There is a strong lavatorial theme throughout the novel, which begins with some apparently hereditary peeping-Tom activities. 整个小说的主题中有一股强烈的澡堂便池的味道,这是从某种似乎是遗传的偷窥活动开始的。
3. Stella: The New York State sentence for a Peeping Tom is six months in the workhouse. 史黛拉:偷窥狂在纽约州的法律是要判六个月工厂劳役的。
4. "Oh? It couldn't be a professional newlywed peeping Tom could it?" Taka looked around. “噢?该不会是那个专职偷窥别人的新婚生活的汤姆吧?”魏四周看了看。
5. Make sure you close the curtain when you are taking a shower at night——some pervert peeping Tom might be watching. 晚上洗澡的时候记得拉上窗帘,没准就有偷窥狂在那偷窥呢。