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    1. We know that this journey is not easy, whether you are a map carver or a map follower matters not, it is a difficult journey.
    2. With photographs by Ian Teh, this is a journey into some of China's most industrialised cities, a journey to the other side of the bright shiny facade that is the economy.
    3. It is a journey of time passing, a journey of life weltering.
    是时间流转的路途。是生命起伏 的路途。
    4. Mother in Heaver, standing beneath the cross, the sword pierced your soul. Your journey with your beloved Son Jesus encourages and gives us strength to encounter all sort of pain on our journey.
    5. Because cherished, does not attend to the journey to be difficult, after makes a long and wearisome journey arrives the Mt. mianshan lapies.


    go on a journey went on a journey
    go on a journey went on a journey
    barefoot pilgrim
    赤脚朝圣者 ,没有经验,输得精光的投资者;
    Brig Pilgrim
    Pilgrim Fathers
    清教徒先祖; 清教徒前辈移民; 清教徒;
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