1. The radiator usually mainly consists of the radiator core, radiator bottom tank, and radiator top tank.

2. The radiator usually mainly consists of the radiator core, radiator bottom tank, and radiator top tank.

暖器炉通常主要地由暖器炉核心 , 暖器炉底部箱 , 和暖器炉顶端箱所组成。
3. Equipment includes first class of ball of the machine of thick grille, fine grille, water pump, air-blower, spin-drier, pneumatics, mixer, device that add drug, flowmeter, float, aeration.

4. Equipment includes first class of ball of the machine of thick grille, fine grille, water pump, air-blower, spin-drier, pneumatics, mixer, device that add drug, flowmeter, float, aeration.

5. In order to ensure the supporting effect, the steel grille support technology was improved, and grille-channel steel concrete support technology was formed.
