1. The time domain response consists of transient response and steady-state response which represent short period damping vibration and long period recovery response, respectively. 时域响应被分为极点部分和截断部分,它们分别代表短期内的衰减振动和长时间内的缓慢恢复效应。
2. There are two response types, multiple choice response and constructed response, in testing the communicative language ability. 有两种题型经常用来作为测试交际语言能力的工具:选择答案题型和建构题型。
3. Activeavoidance response (AAR) decreased obviously, and active avoidance response latency (AARL) and escape response latency (ERL) were significantly prolonged after WBBI. WBBI后,大鼠主动回避反应(AAR)明显下降,主动回避反应时间(AARL)、逃避反应时间(ERL)明显延长;
4. This thesis presents an intrusion-tolerance oriented proactive intrusion response model to cut down response cost and optimize response policy. 本文研究与设计了一种面向容忍入侵的先应式入侵响应模型,目的在于降低入侵响应的成本,优化响应策略。
5. Activeavoidance response (AAR) decreased obviously, and active avoidance response latency (AARL) and escape response latency (ERL) were significantly prolonged after WBBI. WBBI后,大鼠主动回避反应(AAR)明显下降,主动回避反应时间(AARL)、逃避反应时间(ERL)明显延长;
sometimes at times at whiles for time to time from time to time on occasion 有时;
sometimes at times at whiles for time to time from time to time on occasion 有时;
sometimes at times at whiles for time to time from time to time on occasion 有时;
behind the time off time out of time untimeliness 不合时宜;
a long time ago langsyne long time ago time out of mind way back 很久以前;