1. Many Canadians refer to their indigenous whisky as "rye", this despite the fact it is distilled with a relatively small percentage of rye grain. 很多加拿大人把加拿大威士忌称作是黑麦威士忌,尽管这种威士忌中只包括少量的黑麦。
2. First distilled in the 1830s by Scottish immigrants, this category of whisky is typically made from a blend of rye, corn and barley whiskies. 这种威士忌在1830年由苏格兰移民酿造,这类威士忌由玉米、黑麦和大麦威士忌勾兑而成。
3. Mme. Maxime telling Dumbledore that her giant flying horses only drink single-malt whisky is likely a pun on Bourbon whisky. 马克西姆女士告诉邓不利多她那巨大的飞马只喝纯麦芽威士忌,而纯麦芽威士忌似乎是波旁威士忌的另一种称呼。
4. This Canadian whisky recently released a small-batch, 8 year old whisky aged in white oak barrels and double-matured in sherry casks. 这款加拿大威士忌最近增加了一款8年陈酿威士忌,其陈酿分别在白橡木桶和些厘酒木桶中进行。