1. Reported diseases include crown gall, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling blight, angular leaf spot, leaf spot, brown spot, leaf rust, grey mold, shoot blight, stem canker, and butt rot.

2. Reported diseases include crown gall, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling blight, angular leaf spot, leaf spot, brown spot, leaf rust, grey mold, shoot blight, stem canker, and butt rot.

3. Under the short day treatment, it expressed higher in SAM than in leaf from 6-leaf to 8-leaf stages with the highest expression level at 7-leaf stage.

在短日条件下, 该基因在6~8叶期茎尖中的表达量存在明显差异, 在光周期敏感的7叶期出现表达高峰, 在叶片中的表达量均低于茎尖。
4. Third, inhibiting the expansion of cotton leaves, leaf area smaller, leaf thickness and improve leaf photosynthesis, leaf function may be extended for 5 to 7 days.

5. Apply to Electric truck scale, electro-mechanic scale, platform scale, screening scale, single rating scale.
