1. fly dragging In angling, fishing with a fly seine, a lightweight demersal seine, that is towed and heaved at the same time. Also called fly seining. 飞拖网在钓鱼中,渔具具有一个漂浮曳网,一个轻量底栖曳网,同时拖且用力举起。也被称为飞围网。
2. Across all, the Seine, "foster-mother Seine, "as says Father Du Breul, blocked with islands, bridges, and boats. 流经全境的是塞纳河,德·普勒尔神父称之为“塞纳乳娘”,河上小岛、桥梁、舟楫拥塞。
3. tuck seine A seine operated at sea and hauled into a boat. 褶曳网一个曳网在海上操作而且拖网进入船。
4. Half of the cows in the Penglai city are raised here. East tributary river of the Huangshui River , Xiehou River , Doushan River , Yuanyang River and Chenzhuang River intersect here. 黄水河东支流、解后河、陡山河、鸳鸯河、陈庄河五条河流在这里聚汇,水资源得天独厚。
5. County mountains, there Hengshan Mountain, Hongtao Ridge Mountains and the yellow, there are four large rivers, Sanggan, papaya River, Yellow River, Yuanzi River (large river Maying Wu River). 县境内山脉,有恒山山脉,洪涛山脉以及黄花岭,有较大的河道4条,桑干河、木瓜河、黄水河、元子河(吴马营大河槽河)。