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    1. There were three kinds of styles of human sexual ethics in human history, which were styles of deified sexual ethics, of evil and instrumental sexual ethics, and of hedonic sexual ethics.
    2. The most common sexual disorder was orgasmic disorder, and the others in order was sexual pain, sexual arousal disorder, and hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
    3. The genesis of individual morality is constituted by such two closely connected stages as the genesis and evolution of heteronomous morality, as well as the formation of autonomous morality.
    4. Firstly it summarize the research on the netnews, the research involves the netnews morality but it mostly shows the net morality, and the research of netnews morality is very little.
    5. The humanity's kindheartedness thought and ethic morality have some important effect on the building of social morality spirit and social three-morality.


    Public morality and personal morality are both important to abeautiful world
    sexual health requires that the sexual rights of all people be upheld
    性健康需要被所有的人支持的性权利; 性健康需要被所有的人支援的性权利;
    sexual health does not require that the sexual rights of all people be upheld
    性健康不需要被所有的人支持的性权利; 性健康不需要被所有的人支援的性权利;
    Beauty Cultivates Morality
    indoctrinate lecture lesson message moralism morality precept tora


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