1. In average person eye, mental person is very terrible, they are in the home roughhouse, some hurts person caustic content, hit person name-calling. 在一般人眼里,精神病人十分可怕,他们在家里大吵大闹,有的伤人损物,打人骂人。
2. In average person eye, mental person is very terrible, they are in the home roughhouse, some hurts person caustic content, hit person name-calling. 在一般人眼里,精神病人十分可怕,他们在家里大吵大闹,有的伤人损物,打人骂人。
3. As sick patterns enter the water supply, the water therein being holographic begins to emulate the sick geometrical patterns. 当疾病图案进入到供水系统时,其中的水被全息化而开始模仿病人的几何图案。
4. Breath can be quickened because of high fever, but without the sick at heart with ketosis toxic and typical sick at heart toxic deep big breath. 呼吸可因高热而加速,但无酮症酸中毒典型的酸中毒深大呼吸。
5. The "Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick"is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. 据说“第六位生病的酋长的第六只羊生病了”是英语中最饶口的绕口令。