1. Recent events and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill occurred in 2007 in China, Heilongjiang has a lot of chlorine spill in common. 最近发生的墨西哥湾漏油事件和在中国2007年发生的黑龙江氯气泄漏事件有着很大的共同点。
2. Recent events and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill occurred in 2007 in China, Heilongjiang has a lot of chlorine spill in common. 最近发生的墨西哥湾漏油事件和在中国2007年发生的黑龙江氯气泄漏事件有着很大的共同点。
3. Recent events and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill occurred in 2007 in China, Heilongjiang has a lot of chlorine spill in common. 最近发生的墨西哥湾漏油事件和在中国2007年发生的黑龙江氯气泄漏事件有着很大的共同点。
4. The impair to fishermen are due to both fishing ground petroleum spill and petroleum spill of other areas. 渔民所遭受的这种危害并不只限于渔场遭受油污染的情况,非渔区的溢油污染也同样会造成这种危害。
5. When I spill the soup on my cloths, when I forget how to tie shoelace, please think over how I taught you at that time. 当我把菜汤溅到自己的衣服上时,当我忘记这样系鞋带时,请想一想当初我是如何手把手地教你。
overflow extravasation flood overbrim run over slop over spill over spillage 溢出;
overflow extravasation flood overbrim run over slop over spill over spillage 溢出;